
Inspired by Betty Londergan's What Gives 365 and the Bible (not necessarily in that order!), I'm giving away $250 a week in 2011.

This is where I'm recording that journey, and I hope you'll come along for the ride.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Down Syndrome - and Merry Christmas!

I'm in the midst of Christmas rushing, but didn't want to be late (again!) with my weekly post.

This week, I'm following up on a suggestion made by my friend Christine. She's actually engaged to my cousin Cam -- does that make her my soon-to-be-cousin-in-law? -- and she volunteers on the Board of the Down Syndrome Association of Peterborough.

I admire Christine for lots of reasons. In this case, she's on this Board not because she's been directly affected by having a family member with Downs, but because she is passionate about kids and good health, and wanted to find a way to put down some roots in her new community of Peterborough. She then made an effort to find me at our large family Christmas gathering and tell me why she's so impressed with this organization. That impressed me.

I also happen to know a few people who have been directly, and/or "almost", affected by Down Syndrome recently. And I have had two lovely encounters with strangers with Downs in the past while too.

So on this second last week of the blog, I'm thrilled to support Christine and the organization she's thrown her support behind.

I rather wish this were more of a Christmas-y post. It is in its rushed-ness perhaps. (How sad!) Do know that it comes with sincere wishes for a very blessed, and restful and quieter, Christmas for each of you.

1 comment:

  1. Although we have not met, I am very impressed with your generousity and creativity. Your weekly donations will have given you such a sense of accomplishment and lifted the spirits of many, so inspiring.
    I am very proud of my daughter, Christine who has learnt at an early age that giving is so much more rewarding to all involved. CG
